Effacer mon .htaccess! J'hesite

WRInaute occasionnel

Voila, je voudrais installer un petit hack pour l'URL rewriting sur mon systeme de news et voila que je bloque sur la 1ere etape lol..
1. Go to the directory which contains the file showing your news (let's call this file news.php). 
If you already have a .htaccess file in this directory - delete it. 
Make sure this directory is writable as the hack will automatically create a new .htaccess file.

Il me demande d'effacer mon .htacess 8O 8O Car mon systeme de news est sur l'index . Dont dingue non?

Devrais-je laisser tomber ou bien ya moyen de de recoller mon .htacess a la fin du hack.

Voici la mise à jour
1. Go to the directory which contains the file showing your news (let's call this file news.php). 
If you already have a .htaccess file in this directory - delete it. 
Make sure this directory is writable as the hack will automatically create a new .htaccess file. 

2. Open news.php (file which shows your news) and find your include code:
For example:

$category = 2;
$number = 10;
$template = "Headlines";

3. Put this ABOVE your include code:
(You may change $path_to_data to point to your cutenews/data folder.)

//Mod_rewrite start

$path_to_data = "./data";

$url = $_GET['url'];
$test = find_archive(title_to_id($url));
$id = title_to_id($url);
$ucat = title_to_ucat($url);

//Mod_rewrite end

4. Put this BELOW your include code:
(You may change this line in the function below: $letter_replacements = array('ö' => 'oe', 'ä' => 'ae'); to convert certain characters of your language.)


//Mod_rewrite start

function replace_title($title){
$letter_replacements = array('ö' => 'oe', 'ä' => 'ae');
	$result = strtolower(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($title)));
	$result = strtr($result, $letter_replacements);
	$result = preg_replace('/\W/', "-", strip_tags($result));
	return $result;

function title_to_id($title){
global $path_to_data;

	if($handle = opendir($path_to_data."/archives"))
		while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
			if($file != "." and $file != ".." and eregi("news", $file)){
				$files_arch[] = $path_to_data."/archives/$file";
	$files_arch[] = $path_to_data."/news.txt";

foreach($files_arch as $file){
	$all_news = file($file);
	foreach($all_news as $news_line){
		$news_arr = explode("|", $news_line);
		if(replace_title($news_arr[2]) == $title){

			return $news_arr[0];

function title_to_ucat($title){
global $path_to_data;
	$all_news = file($path_to_data."/news.txt");
	foreach($all_news as $news_line){
		$news_arr = explode("|", $news_line);
		if(replace_title($news_arr[2]) == $title){
			return $news_arr[6];

function find_archive($id){
global $path_to_data;

	if($handle = opendir($path_to_data."/archives"))
		while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
			if($file != "." and $file != ".." and eregi("news", $file)){
				$files_arch[] = $path_to_data."/archives/$file";
	$files_arch[] = $path_to_data."/news.txt";

	foreach($files_arch as $file){
		$all_news_db = file("$file");
		foreach($all_news_db as $news_line){
			$news_arr = explode("|", $news_line);
			if($news_arr[0] == $id){
				if(ereg("([[:digit:]]{0,})\.news\.arch", $file, $regs)){ $archive = $regs[1]; }
				return $archive;

function id_to_title($id, $archiv = false, $type, $page = ''){
global $path_to_data;

	$all_news = file($path_to_data."/archives/".$archiv.".news.arch");
	$all_news = file($path_to_data."/news.txt");
	foreach($all_news as $news_line){
		$news_arr = explode("|", $news_line);
		if($news_arr[0] == $id){
			$title = replace_title($news_arr[2]);
			if($type == "commentspage"){
				return "commentspage/".$page."/".$title.".html";
			return $type."/".$title.".html";

$show_news = ob_get_contents();

$script_file = end($script_url = explode("/", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME']));
$path = substr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, -strlen($script_file));

$find = array(	/*post*/			"#".$script_file."\?subaction=showfull&id=(.*?)&archive=&start_from=&ucat=(.*?)&#ie",
				/*postcomments*/	"#".$script_file."\?subaction=showcomments&id=(.*?)&archive=&start_from=&ucat=(.*?)&#ie",
				/*postpage*/		"#".$script_file."\?start_from=(.*?)&ucat=&archive=&subaction=&id=(.*?)&#i",
				/*archiveindex*/	"#".$script_file."\?archive=(.*?)&subaction=list-archive#i",
				/*archive*/			"#".$script_file."\?subaction=showfull&id=(.*?)&archive=(.*?)&start_from=&ucat=(.*?)&#ie",
				/*archivepage*/		"#".$script_file."\?start_from=(.*?)&ucat=&archive=(.*?)&subaction=list-archive&id=&#i",
				/*archivecomments*/	"#".$script_file."\?subaction=showcomments&id=(.*?)&archive=(.*?)&start_from=&ucat=(.*)&#ie",
				/*searchnews*/		"#".$script_file."\?misc=search&subaction=showfull&id=(.*?)&archive=&cnshow=news&ucat=(.*?)&start_from=&#ie",
				/*searcharchives*/	"#".$script_file."\?misc=search&subaction=showfull&id=(.*?)&archive=(.*?)&cnshow=news&ucat=(.*?)&start_from=&#ie",
				/*ncommentspage*/	"#".$script_file."\?comm_start_from=(.*?)&archive=&subaction=showcomments&id=(.*?)&ucat=(.*?)&#ie",
				/*acommentspage*/	"#".$script_file."\?comm_start_from=(.*?)&archive=(.*?)&subaction=showcomments&id=(.*?)&ucat=(.*?)&#ie",

$replace = array(	"id_to_title('\\1', false, 'post')",
					"id_to_title('\\1', false, 'comments')",
					"id_to_title('\\1', '\\2', 'archive')",
					"id_to_title('\\1', '\\2', 'comments')",
					"id_to_title('\\1', false, 'post')",
					"id_to_title('\\1', '\\2', 'archive')",
					"id_to_title('\\2', false, 'commentspage', '\\1')",
					"id_to_title('\\3', '\\2', 'commentspage', '\\1')",

$show_news = preg_replace($find, $replace, $show_news);
$show_news = str_replace("&url=".$url, '', $show_news);

$htaccess = "RewriteEngine On\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteBase ".$path."\n\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^post/(.*).html(.*)$ ".$script_file."?subaction=showfull&url=$1$2 [L,NC]\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^postpage/(.*).html(.*)$ ".$script_file."?start_from=$1$2 [L,NC]\n\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^comments/(.*).html(.*)$ ".$script_file."?subaction=showcomments&url=$1$2 [L,NC]\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^commentspage/(.*)/(.*).html(.*)$ ".$script_file."?comm_start_from=$1&subaction=showcomments&url=$2$3 [L,NC]\n\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^archiveindex/(.*).html(.*)$ ".$script_file."?archive=$1&subaction=list-archive$2 [L,NC]\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^archive/(.*).html(.*)$ ".$script_file."?subaction=showfull&url=$1$2 [L,NC]\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^archivepage/(.*)/(.*).html(.*)$ ".$script_file."?start_from=$2&archive=$1&subaction=list-archive$3 [L,NC]";

$file = fopen(".htaccess", "w");
fwrite($file, $htaccess);

echo $show_news;
//Mod_rewrite end


5. Open show_archives.php and find this:
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

add below:
//Mod rewrite
if($test != '') $archive = $test;
//Mod rewrite

6. Open show_news.php and find this:
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

add below:
//Mod rewrite
if($test != '') $archive = $test;
//Mod rewrite

7. Open inc/shows.inc.php and find this:
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=showfull&id=$id&ucat=$ucat&archive=$archive&start_from=$start_from&$user_query\";</script>";

replace with this:
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location=\"$PHP_SELF\";</script>";

8. Open inc/shows.inc.php and find this:
$user_query = cute_query_string($QUERY_STRING, array( "comm_start_from","start_from", "archive", "subaction", "id", "ucat"));

add below:
if($user_query != "")
$user_query = "&".$user_query;
WRInaute accro
Ben tu n'as qu'à le renommer ? Puis tu regardes les informations contenues dans ton nouveau htaccess, qu'il vient de créer, puis tu le supprimes et recopies dans l'ancien.

Ensuite, tu redonnes le bon nom au fichier que tu avais renommé, et c'est bon non ? :s
WRInaute accro
rien à rajouter

Tu le laisses créer le nouveau htacess et tu rebalanceras les infos du tien dedans ensuite ... y'a peu de chance qu'il y ait des lignes en doublon
WRInaute occasionnel
Oui c'est ce que je pensais .

Comme je ne peux pas examiner le code :S j'avais peur qu'il genere un nouveau .htaccess à chaque news posté, ce qui effacerait l'ancien.

Sinon je vais essayer ;) Rien de mieux que d'avoir ses reponses par l'experimentation.
WRInaute accro
non je crois que c'est une seul fois à l'installation qu'il est créé :) Ca serait nouveau si il était modifié à chaque news !
WRInaute occasionnel
Encore un problème:
Make sure this directory is writable as the hack will automatically create a new .htaccess file.

Si je comprend bien je dois mettre un chmod 777 sur mon public_html.

Mais ils sont fous eux!! C'est risqué non?
WRInaute accro
Hoho a dit:
Bon je te fais confiance. Si y'a un pépin, prépare toi à prendre un avocat. :lol:

mais le htacess qu'il installe, il est pas sur un sous répertoire ? sinon oui les procédures d'installation sont toujours sensibles ...
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