probleme script

WRInaute occasionnel

je viens de telecharger un script compteur qui est super bien mais le probleme c'est que je peut pas l installer

quand je clique sa fait rien...

WRInaute occasionnel
non c'est on la lol

j ai reussi

j ai mi se script et sa deconne plus la lol

/* $Id: grab_globals.lib.php,v 2.4 2003/11/26 22:52:23 rabus Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:

* This library grabs the names and values of the variables sent or posted to a
* script in the $_* arrays and sets simple globals variables from them. It does
* the same work for the $PHP_SELF, $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE and
* loic1 - 2001/25/11: use the new globals arrays defined with php 4.1+

function PMA_gpc_extract($array, &$target) {
if (!is_array($array)) {
return FALSE;
$is_magic_quotes = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
foreach($array AS $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
// there could be a variable coming from a cookie of
// another application, with the same name as this array

PMA_gpc_extract($value, $target[$key]);
} else if ($is_magic_quotes) {
$target[$key] = stripslashes($value);
} else {
$target[$key] = $value;
return TRUE;

if (!empty($_GET)) {
PMA_gpc_extract($_GET, $GLOBALS);
} // end if

if (!empty($_POST)) {
PMA_gpc_extract($_POST, $GLOBALS);
} // end if

if (!empty($_FILES)) {
foreach($_FILES AS $name => $value) {
$$name = $value['tmp_name'];
${$name . '_name'} = $value['name'];
} // end if

if (!empty($_SERVER)) {
foreach ($server_vars as $current) {
if (isset($_SERVER[$current])) {
$$current = $_SERVER[$current];
} elseif (!isset($$current)) {
$$current = '';
unset($server_vars, $current);
} // end if

// Security fix: disallow accessing serious server files via "?goto="
if (isset($goto) && strpos(' ' . $goto, '/') > 0 && substr($goto, 0, 2) != './') {
} // end if


j ai trouver se script dans la page robotstats la lol
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