Quand je mets cela, avant la fermmeture du head :
<script src="" async defer>
{lang: 'fr'}
le W3C validator me marque :
Error: The text content of element script was not in the required format: Expected space, tab, newline, or slash but found { instead.
From line 105, column 1; to line 105, column 9
ng: 'fr'}↩</script>↩</hea
Syntax of script documentation:
Zero or more code comments, each of which is either a single-line comment starting with "//" or a multi-line comment starting with "/*" and ending with "*/". The content must also meet the constraints of the script microsyntax. For further details, see Inline
C'est pour mettre le bouton google plus
Merci si vous avez la reponse
Quand je mets cela, avant la fermmeture du head :
<script src="" async defer>
{lang: 'fr'}
le W3C validator me marque :
Error: The text content of element script was not in the required format: Expected space, tab, newline, or slash but found { instead.
From line 105, column 1; to line 105, column 9
ng: 'fr'}↩</script>↩</hea
Syntax of script documentation:
Zero or more code comments, each of which is either a single-line comment starting with "//" or a multi-line comment starting with "/*" and ending with "*/". The content must also meet the constraints of the script microsyntax. For further details, see Inline
C'est pour mettre le bouton google plus
Merci si vous avez la reponse