Référencement sur Yandex et Rambler

Nouveau WRInaute
Bonjour a tous,

je suis en train de travailler pour l'un de mes clients sur les moteurs russes (Rambler et yandex).
J'ai de tres mauvais résultats sur ces deux moteurs que j'ai traité de la meme maniere que Google et Yahoo.
Il semble que ces moteurs donne une plus grande importance au contenu du site que les moteurs internationaux.

Avez vous des infos sur ces moteurs ?

J'ai trouvé cela pour Rambler, mais pas grand chose pour yandex.


On silence in [Ramblere] the results are ranked according to the degree of the correspondence (relevancy) to demand and are grouped on the sites. With the ranking different characteristics of texts, such are evaluated as:

* A quantity of entries of words (word combinations) into the document - the more once word combination “Red Square” is present in the text, the higher the probability that in it actually it is discussed Red Square;
* The arrangement of the words of demand in the document - if word combination “Red Square” is present in the titles or the name of document, then document with the larger probability is dedicated to Red Square;
* The forms of the words of demand - advantage returns to the entries, in which the words have the same case, number, declination, etc, as in the demand of user (“Red Square”, but not “by Red Square”). Besides the precise agreement, are separated two groups of the forms of words - close ones and distant. Changes on the cases, the declinations, the conjugations, the numbers and the kinds are considered close ones. Participles are distant forms, verbal adverb and the like with the ranking advantage returns to the close forms of the words of demand.
* The distance between the words of demand - if demand consists of several words, then at the obtained documents it is evaluated, how closely each other are located these words. Advantage returns to the documents, in which the words of demand are located nearer to each other, because in this case they with the larger probability are connected together. For example, if word “red” is located in the text on 5 positions, and word “area” - to 650, then most likely in the document the discussion deals not with Red Square.
* Relative frequency (ratio of a quantity of entries of the words of demand into the document to a total quantity of words in the document) - if word combination is encountered 10 times in the document of 100 words, thus more often corresponds to demand how if it is encountered the same 10 times in the document of 20 thousand words;
* Popularity - search machine automatically calculates the coefficient of the popularity of each page the Internet on the basis of data of the counter Of top100 and analysis of hyper-text references between the pages. Advantage returns to more popular resources.
* The reference weight of document - with the ranking is considered the reference weight of page, calculated on the basis of the calculation of the hyper-references, which contain the words of demand. Thus, if to the certain document by words “Red Square” refers a large quantity of pages with high [poeffitsientami] of popularity, then to it returns priority on the demand Red Square.
Mumuri a dit:
on m'avait dit que les domaines en .com.ru ou ru était favorisé, à confirmer :)

Oui, les moteurs russes preferent le ndd .ru , et surtout que ca soit une version independante du site. Il faut beaucoup travailler sur le contenu et les titles ...

je suis basee en Russie et propose des services du referencement et de e-pub en russe
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